“It Was in Taiwan Where Nursing Workplace Harassment Happened”

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7 min readNov 24, 2020


Imagine being harassed at work by a medical doctor for weeks and despite using the chain of commands for reporting incidents and doing everything you are supposed to do as outlined in policy. Then you end up being inconvenienced by the ones you sought help from.

It was in the Taiwan where violence happened against the emergency nurses who have been working for patients for ten years on emergency basis (Lee et al., 2020).

Imagine your work schedule is changed to accommodate the provoker, you are moved to an inconvenient work location that creates difficulty for your work, lengthens your travel, and personal life.

Then after weeks of sticking up to the changes you drop the job at a place where you have been employed at for nearly 10 years while the doctor who harassed you continues at work like nothing ever happened.

Isn’t it disgusting? And, guess what? All of this actually happened to Chelsea Jackson, a registered nurse. According to the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission lawsuit, Chelsea is an RN who worked at Pediatric Health Care Alliance, P.A. (PHCA) in Tampa, Florida. She says she was hit back against by her employer for reporting harassment by a physician. They transferred her to an inconvenient workplace, limited her earning, and job duties. She was actually her separation from the company.

Workplace Violence is at Higher Risk

It is no doubt that workplace violence is common everywhere in every profession and it is not new for the health care worker but again it is more Critical to discus and analyze because nurses or healthcare workers are the one whose profession is relying on human lives and not accounts or machinery where the error or negligence can be rectified or avoided.

The workplace violence is at higher risk due to the reason that they have to perform their duty while giving medicine or other Healthcare to the patient. Thus, if the Healthcare worker is not satisfied and is disturbed or is facing the harassment of violence in the workplace from employer or the patient then it will eventually affect the performance and will impact the health of the patient. There is no doubt that workplace violence is affecting the mental healthcare of nurses which is dangerous for patients (Yang, and Stone, 2018).

How can one imagine the quality service care from the person who is becoming ill mentally? The stressed person who is dealing with harassment and anxiety cannot perform the duties well and guess the duties are related to the lives of the people. It is no just needed but the urgent requirement of the time to provide the healthcare workers with the safe and peaceful environment where they can perform confidently and safely (Al-Omari et al., 2019).

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Both Sides of the Issue

The argument is clear “Workplace violence is affecting job performance of Healthcare workers specifically nurses, therefore; there should be proper strategies to control and then stop the workplace violence”. On the other side, it is also the fact that even after implementing strategy workers are facing a lot of troubles which are affecting their personal lives as well. But, again the profession of Health Care provider cannot be stopped and it must go on. So, the steps should be implemented to make it more improved and stronger in the society(Yang, Stone, and Morris, 2018).

Identification of Violence

  1. Complaint from the patient is the major barrier. The major reason behind violence and harassment is that employer or the owner of the Healthcare system Hospital wills eventually giving the value to the patient and the family rather than the staff to raise the capital.
  2. The behavior of supervisor towards Health Care worker is again the major barriers because the Healthcare worker or nurse is bound to get orders and work accordingly. Even if the worker is realizing that patient needs something but cannot put thought in front of the supervisor due to the reason that it will eventually affect the job security.
  3. Blame game is also the barrier behind the violence in workplace for the Healthcare workers. There are many people who have been constantly blaming the Healthcare workers specifically nurses for not providing proper care to their patients. it is eventually affecting quality service and personality of worker following aggression and violence.

Resolution Strategies

Following are the strategies to be collectively implemented in the healthcare system to avoid and control workplace violence to healthcare workers:

Strategy 1

It is clear and obvious that proper laws are not working well in favor of workers. Therefore, there is a need to monitor the behavior of employers with Healthcare workers more specifically nurses. The state of the country should be aware of the health care system at hospital in which workers are providing Quality Care Services and there should be team to monitor how the employer is behaving with the nurses and how is responding their issues.

Strategy 2

There must also be analysis on the complaint from the patients. It is also clear that most of the patients are behaving like customers and realizing that they can abuse the Healthcare worker or can pass any comment without any justification. It is also the fact that somewhere the Healthcare professionals are not providing the proper care but it is less in number rather; Healthcare workers more specifically nurses are committed to provide the quality care to patients.

Besides, proper monitoring will eventually reduce the violence if the patient was also known that their complaint will also be analyzed and then the action will be taken worker otherwise the patient or the family will have to pay penalty.

Strategy 3

Likewise, there should be proper strategies where the supervisor will not be able to order Health Care worker inappropriately. Rather, if it happens then there should be the system where the worker will not have to complain against supervisor at it logical where the person with whom someone is working all the day will be taking risk to register a complaint against that worker and putting the job at stake.

There should be the system where monitoring should be placed to look after supervision and the higher authorities should know which supervisor is not treating well to their workers.

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The healthcare worker more specifically nurses are unable to register complaint against the employer due to job safety reason and cannot put their job at stake. I would recommend that rather than implementing the so-called old rules for having the laws and regulations to take action against the one who is harassing Health Care worker.

It is reasonable because it will have the negative image among all other employees who will eventually be not hiring that worker in their Healthcare system or hospital to provide the services with the fear that it can happen in their Hospital as well. Therefore, rather than just having rules written on a paper there should be technology to monitor the acts and supervisors orders to analyses the behavior of Healthcare workers, patient, their families, supervisor for employers.

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  1. Lee, H.L., Han, C.Y., Redley, B., Lin, C.C., Lee, M.Y. and Chang, W., 2020. Workplace violence against emergency nurses in Taiwan: a cross-sectional study. Journal of emergency nursing, 46(1), pp.66–71.
  2. Rodriguez, M., 2019. Workplace Violence in Health Care: Prevention Strategies For the Occupational Health Nurse.
  3. 2. Yang, B.X., Stone, T.E., Petrini, M.A. and Morris, D.L., 2018. Incidence, type, related factors, and effect of workplace violence on mental health nurses: a cross-sectional survey. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 32(1), pp.31–38.
  4. Wressell, J.A., Rasmussen, B. and Driscoll, A., 2018. Exploring the workplace violence risk profile for remote area nurses and the impact of organisational culture and risk management strategy. Collegian, 25(6), pp.601–606.
  5. Al-Omari, H., Khait, A.A., Al-Modallal, H., Al-Awabdeh, E. and Hamaideh, S., 2019. Workplace violence against nurses working in psychiatric hospitals in Jordan. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 33(5), pp.58–62.
  6. Medina-Maldonado, V.E., Pozo, J., Barrera, J., Urgiles, P., Ortiz, S., Yanez, C., Arellano-Verdesoto, J. and Ruiz, S., 2019. Workplace Violence among nursing staff subjective perceptions, preliminary results. Revista Cubana de Enfermería, 35(3).



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